Arrived Ijmuiden

Looked at night passage down to Stellendam but tides dictate an 0500 departure tomorrow, I’ll set alarm for 0430 and aim to be away at first light. The forecast is for Bft3-4 W or NW. The tidal diamond just outside the port shows the flow turning positively to 198 degrees 5 hours after high water at Hook VH ( 2300) so, away 0400 ish. Rate is around 1 Knot so I am likely to make 6 Knots over the ground. 50NM passage so I’ll allow 10 hours but might be in early. 1500 arrival Stellendam is two hours before low water so, with not to long a delay, I should be able to pass the Goeree Sluis (without need to open the bridge) and tie up at Caio’s.

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