Weather en route acceptable with NE light winds. I’ll aim for Harlingen with an arrival of 21-22:00 (sunset 2200). En route diversions include Borkum, Lauwersoog and Vlieland. Passage time estimated at 33 hours aiming to leave Cuxhaven 12:00.
Moon waxing gibbous with 96%, MR 21:20 315 degrees, MS 03:40 219 degrees. Mean course SW , 225 degrees.
Onward routing depends on if I make Harlingen or WHY? Inside to Ijmuiden probably two days depending on how I feel so Ijmuiden-Hellevoetsluis Monday or Tuesday.

Arrived Vlieland. Had planned to anchor but really rather fatigued after overnight. Cuxhaven 12:00, Vlieland 17:00 following day, no sleep at all. Was making some mistakes and a little trepedatious (no pun, sp?).