Departed Hellevoetsluis

First drama; I had forgotten about the height restrictions at Goreesluis, the air draft is restricted depending upon the height of the tide “outside”. Quick check on the data sheet told me book figure of 14.73 with 1M Aerial, the gauge read 14.8. Whilst in the lock the gauge did go up to 14. 9 but as you may imagine I had by Best twinkling toes on as the aerial approached the steel girder. Phew, another perfectly executed piece of luck. Now I lie in the Binnenhaven, outside the lock, planning to maximise the tidal advantage up to, probably Ijmuiden with an 04:45 departure. I’ll need all the help I can get as the ship does have a load of weed. Speed is certainly down on what it should be so maybe I’ll decide how to proceed abeam Den Haag, perhaps I’ll pop in and learn how to pronounce Schveneeeegenin.. More later.

4 thoughts on “Departed Hellevoetsluis”

  1. Hi Robin,

    Good you managed to work out the tides. I presume it was to clear the mast as you go through the lock gates.

    Bed time for me.

    Best Alan

    1. Aye, OK, the aerial is a stiff bar one, not a whip so extra care needed. Now getting 1.7 knots of current helping me down to deep water. Shallow alarm now working with under a metre of water under keel..

    1. Moaning Gary, aye got in Hell around 1700, scraped pulpit (again) in Goreesluis) I was in good shape to get a centre line mooring on but unfortunately the one I had stopped next to wasn’t a bollard, rather a loop and by the time I had re approached with some wind from astern, well you know the story, out of shape. Grrrr, only damage was port nav light which was already cable tied in place after last year’s scrape. They are quite exposed and maybe I’ll replace the pair.

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