Passage Ijmuiden to Lowestoft

As I’ve been weather watching for the last two weeks it is pleasant to see the numbers in the 24h forecast so much in favour. Southerly winds for most of the 20 odd hour passage and wave heights 0.5-1m. Having said that these are only forecasts but certainly looks ok. Plan to leave here at high water and expected passage time some 20 hours to see arrival Lowestoft 0700.

All was ok except the last bit getting into Lowestoft when the S Holm S cardinal was unlit! Grrrr. Got in and tied up around 07:15 Cet after leaving Ijmuiden at 11:30 cet. Passage time 19:45 so quite pleased with both planning and weather window I had zeroed in on being acceptable. Bft4 initially tacking but then cam South so a long beam reach. Bit of traffic avoiding around deep water route in middle of n sea but ok. Lowestoft seems very run down.

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