So, five days of hanging about in port, some partying, shopping and playing tourist around the city (seems the Rotterdam lot refer to Amsterdam as 020, a reference, somewhat obliquely, to the work ethos enjoyed by Rotterdammer’s and the arty farty nature of those that live in 020).
The winds are really rather less than propitious with the following two weeks showing northerly flows but heck, that’s the nature of navigating, I’ll just have to get on with it so harbour due’s paid up and head off through the Markermeer and Ijsselmeer. I am a little concerned that the fresh water circulation pump for engine cooling is on the way out and after several email exchanges with Alex at and I found an alternative part, one of the regular automotive type, I think it fits Ford and Opel, details here at around one third of the price; it then, as ever comes down to how to get hold of the item and my plan is to beat up to Stavoren, pass through the lock and get within bicycle range of AB Werklamp; we shall see how that works out!

Then on to Harlingen, my favourite Dutch port with a real flavour of the sea about it. The inner harbour is tidal with quite a big range and it is always crammed with sailors wanting to go up and down! Not sure why they do that, its just novelty.
I can see some indication of Westerly winds on Wednesday and Thursday so I’ll aim to leave Harlingen with the tide Wednesday en passage Norderney overnight.
Harlingen – Norderney 110NM 22 hours plus lock time
Norderney – Heligoland 50NM 10 hours plus tidal current
Heligoland – Gluckstad 60NM 12 hours plus tidal current plus lock time on arrival
Quote of the day
“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain
You make good progress in a week. The weather here is the coming hours code yellow 🧨☔️