All Good

Finalised the instrument rig, all working, will need a bit of tweeking but basically functional. At long last had a look at the rig, sail cover off, all nice and straightforward aside from reefing which I’ll ask Björn about. Anchor locker looked at, not sure how much chain but what is there looks in good condition. Changed gas hose in anchor locker which doubles as a gas locker, again it looks good. Ran up engine, looked at cold starting and bingo, I can see how the cable pull works to depress cold start button. Not sure if the cable is quite doing its job but with button pushed in she fires up in short order. Too many fenders! I know that problem, one is loathe to dump them. I keep them for the time being. Checked Mmsi and atis on Vhf and both showing correctly. Tomorrow off to öckerö, a smallish island on the north side of the Göteborg estuary where I’ll overnight prior to lifting the boat out on Monday morning. Björn and possibly Claes will come along. It is the first time to feel the ship so quite excited and, well, usual feeling of I hope I don’t screw it up! Pics tomorrow.