All Hands on Deck!

Ashore, Öckerö work on underwater fittings will be completed tomorrow and ship back in the water Thursday. My plan is to depart Gothenburg around the 15th of May and cruise up the Swedish West Coast, an area which everyone I have spoken to says is a very beautiful and worthwhile part of the world. I have a number of people who have either expressed an interest in joining or who I feel might like to join so I will copy this post around and see if anyone fancies the trip. I can say I have a few years experience, the ship is in good order, the area rewarding and company welcome. Have a look at flights to Gothenburg and see if at least it is possible. Sweden is open to all intents and offers many gastronomic fishy delights.

2 thoughts on “All Hands on Deck!”

    1. My god i could do with that right now but………………..well maybe rob . You know the score.

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